Tuesday, September 26, 2017
My Youth Development Story
Before declaring my major as Youth Development the paths I’ve taken have been difficult but I would not be where I am without those experiences. Growing up I have always felt led to work with you but my journey is finding where I fit in. In high school when I became pregnant I was so judged by others I lost sight in who I am and conformed to who people were telling me I was. Juggling the identities of teen, student, mom, and part time employee became my full time responsibility. But I knew I had to do what I have to in order to provide the best things for my son. Going through this it was drilled into me that I need to provide a life for my son that he deserves because “ he did not choose to be brought into this life.” I was told I would not be able to do this unless I went to school, got a degree, and got a job that would pay well. So I strived for this. I thought I belonged in Early Childhood Education but I soon realized that I did not want to be a teacher in a classroom. Working with the education system is so black and white and I want to color outside the lines. This brought me to YDEV where I experienced a community like no other. I found my voice and passion and the knowledge that opened my eyes into a whole different world outside of what I have known and my thirst to learn more has grown. To get where I am today I would not have been able to do without my support system. My family watched my son while I attended school and while both myself and my now husband would work right after school in order to provide for our son. My family provided a roof over my head and tried their best to make sure I was not struggling. But I was still responsible for my son. I provided his needs and cared for him since he was born. But because of my experiences and support system it has made me the person I am today and I have really wanted to give back. I am so fortunate that I was able to have the people in my life that I did when I needed the support. I would like to be that support to someone who is not as fortunate as I was. I want to be that friend that I did not have. I want to be that someone who I needed. I feel that Youth Development has led me to here and has given me the tools and opportunities to succeed.
Leading With
Youth in Action describes leading with as giving and supporting the tools for youth to impact a change for them to live in a world that they want to live in. They lead through youth through different learning skills such as project based, service, adventure, and cooperative learning. These learning styles supports leadership skills, basic needs of our surrounding communities, healthy peer relationships, and the inspiration to reach beyond what society tells them they can do. They promote this by giving ALL youth a space to share their stories, practice leadership, and create change in their communities.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Play in Youth Work
An example of youth work that I have been involved in is speaking about my experience as a pregnant teen in two different high schools. One high school includes my own which I feel I can make real connections with the students in this environment because I was literally once sitting where they are. I bring a personal touch to a topic that parents and teachers feel the need to tip toe around because society has trained us to feel shameful about teenage pregnancy. In this space I advocate for all teens, pregnant, parenting, and adolescents learning about safe sex.
Other youth spaces that I have worked in include an inhome daycare setting with children ranging ages in infancy to school aged. Where I tried to incorporate play in whatever I did because I strongly agree with Piaget that playing IS learning.

Reading the text through a different lense to look a play has really made me rethink strategies and certain activities or even discussions or role modeling can be considered as play through the 6 P's.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Youth Stereotypes
Stereotypes of Youth
Leslie Bogad discusses how Life Magazine read, adults assume youth to be selfish, and uninvested in more sophisticated concerns such as work, health, money.
"We come to know youth as incomplete, in-transition, finding themselves, hormone-driven, emotional, inexperienced, and always in opposition to the adults in their lives"
Mini versions of "us"

Reverend Erb to Ms. Steinberg is absurd about her "teaching a program that allows students to make decision." Steinberg goes on to state that adults don't like teenagers and assume them to be distrustful. Ms. Steinberg has devoted her career to teaching students motivating the young adults to become leaders, to be viewed as worthwhile, trustworthy, and brilliant.

Steinberg continues to discuss how over history conversations of youth reveal that they are a problem.
⇢⇢ Instead of defining youth as "mini us", we need to redefine youth as by seeing how youth define themselves. ⇠⇠
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Characteristics of a Youth Worker
As told by Wood, Westwood, and Thompson, The Seven Characteristics of a Youth Worker include educational practice, social practice, a youth worker actively challenges inequality and works towards social justice, gives a choice to be involved, strengthens the voice and influence of young people, welfare practice, works with people holistically.
Youth Work is an educational practice.
This includes building open and trusting relationships with your youth. This will promote an environment of learning for your youth where it can benefit in many areas of the following characteristics. Educational practice also uses different methods and activities for informal education and learning. This will create a learning relationship that builds a relationship that will open up that space for new opportunities, activities, and conversations that enable young people to think, feel, and act differently to their social work
Youth Work is a social practice.
Social practice promotes working in groups in order for young people to engage and associate with their peers. Pro social modeling is an example of social practice that enables a group of young people in to express their values, attitudes, and behaviors.
Youth work actively challenges inequality and works towards social justice.
This is youth work that is geared toward the social injustice of the margins of people that are excluded

Youth Work gives youth a choice to be involved. Rather than participating because they are compelled to. This give youth the choice to voluntarily engage and in a successful learning environment they will. Youth work takes place in a variety of settings whether it be a controlled setting such as school where the youth are forced to participate but as a youth worker this creates more experiences for informal learning in and out of the classroom.
Youth Work strengthens the voice and influence of young people.
This entails empowerment participation, active citizenship, and democratic engagement. This enables youth the influence the environment in which they live.
Youth Work is welfare practice.
Welfare practice promotes the welfare and safety of young people. Youth workers most of the time work with young people who experience high areas of deprivation. Also it is a practice that avoids framing the work we do as preliminary problems.
Youth Work works with young people holistically. Working with youth holistically can be perceived as a fix for hot spot areas. This can cause some difficulty when this becomes the main focus of the youth worker. But this also allows the workers can do and make contributions to various social policy objectives.
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