An example of youth work that I have been involved in is speaking about my experience as a pregnant teen in two different high schools. One high school includes my own which I feel I can make real connections with the students in this environment because I was literally once sitting where they are. I bring a personal touch to a topic that parents and teachers feel the need to tip toe around because society has trained us to feel shameful about teenage pregnancy. In this space I advocate for all teens, pregnant, parenting, and adolescents learning about safe sex.
Other youth spaces that I have worked in include an inhome daycare setting with children ranging ages in infancy to school aged. Where I tried to incorporate play in whatever I did because I strongly agree with Piaget that playing IS learning.

Reading the text through a different lense to look a play has really made me rethink strategies and certain activities or even discussions or role modeling can be considered as play through the 6 P's.
Sam I think it is amazing that you can have that personal connection with the youth you have educated about safe sex and what its like to be a teen mom. As you said this population of youth gets much more descriptive aspects of play because it was real life for you. To any teen that is so important but especially to the ones that are about to have their lives change forever.